The "Fear" Series originally was a series of three songs (later four) that cover the concept of fear. It consists of (in order of release) part three, "Witch Hunt" (Moving Pictures); part two,"The Weapon" (Signals); part one, "The Enemy Within" (Grace Under Pressure); and part four, "Freeze" (Vapor Trails). The first three were released in reverse order
Here they are, in the order from part one through four.
Part 1: The Enemy Within[]
Part 1 deals with how people have internal fears that affect their decisions. The "Enemy" possibly refers to the phobias people have to deal with.
From Grace Under Pressure (1984)
Part 2: The Weapon[]
Part 2 deals with external fears, such as weapons. The weaponising of fear to control or divert attention.
From Signals (1982)
Part 3: Witch Hunt[]
Part 3 deals with how fear can be used to control people. Its title is a reference to the Salem Witch Trials.
From Moving Pictures (1981)
Part 4: Freeze[]
Part 4 deals with the choices you have to make that deal with fear (Fight or Flight response), "Some times I freeze... Sometimes I fly...Sometimes I Fight..."
From Vapor Trails (2002)
Part 1 starts suddenly and fades out at the end.
Part 2 starts by fading in and ends by fading out.
Part 3 starts by fading in, and ends suddenly.
Part 4 ("Freeze") was released 18 years after the previously released segment. Because it wasn't part of their original concept, it starts suddenly and ends suddenly. This finishes the pattern.